Arizona Child Custody Lawyer
Determining what’s best for your child’s upbringing is critical and having a voice in these decisions is equally important. Hiring an Arizona child custody attorney will help guide you through the process and avoid any unexpected outcomes.
There are three key areas of child custody in Arizona: legal decision-making (custody), parenting time, and child support. Implementing specific details into the child custody plan involves everything from naming who’s responsible for the child(ren)’s health expenses to details regarding parenting or visitation time.
We will assist you with filing the necessary paperwork and confirming its accuracy. We want to ensure you know your legal rights in Arizona and maintain a strong voice regarding these decisions.
Navigating through the emotions of child custody is already difficult. We want to clarify any confusion you may have about the process, and we will work diligently to achieve the best possible results.
Together, we’ll explore what’s needed for your case. Schedule a consultation with our firm today.
Child Custody Laws in Arizona - What to Expect
Though the court process for legal decision-making and parenting time is generally straightforward, court documents must reflect exactly what is to be considered.
The first step is to file a petition with the court. Whether you are starting divorce proceedings when minor children are involved or need to file a Petition to Modify Legal Decision-Making, Parenting Time, and Child Support, we will defend your parental rights so you can remain an integral part of making decisions for your child(ren)’s future.
Therefore, the support of legal counsel who wholly understands child custody laws in Arizona and their nuances is critical in upholding the kind of decision-making power you want.
Once the petition has been filed, the other parent will be served with notice of the proceedings. They will then have an opportunity to respond to the allegations made in the petition. After both sides have had a chance to present their case, the court will make a determination based on the best interests of the child. These include:
The child's relationship with each parent
The ability of each parent to provide for the child's needs
Each parent's ability to care for the child
The stability of each parent's home environment
The distance between each parent's home
The child's need for a relationship with both parents
Each parent's willingness to encourage a relationship between the child and the other parent
Any history of domestic violence
The child’s need for a safe and stable environment
Proving your case can be difficult when not properly represented. It’s imperative to have an attorney who is well-versed in what’s required regarding Arizona child custody law and what is necessary to uphold your best interests.
Understanding Arizona Child Custody Laws
Is AZ a 50/50 custody state?
No. Though in most cases joint decision-making is the agreed-upon path, child custody is not automatically split 50/50 for each parent. There are several documents that must be filed, including Child Support Guidelines, which entail who maintains legal decision-making (custody) and define the terms.
Is Arizona a mother state or a father state?
Neither. Both parents are equally considered based on what’s in the best interest of the child(ren). However, the existence of significant domestic violence and/or substance abuse may create a rebuttable presumption that joint legal decision-making is not in the best interests of the minor child(ren).
Does a father have rights to his child in Arizona?
There are several factors that are considered regarding child custody for both the father and mother. The state of Arizona breaks down decision-making power into three categories: joint decision-making, joint decision-making with one parent having the ultimate say, and sole decision-making power. The ultimate ruling will be based on what serves the child best.
Talk with an Arizona Child Custody Attorney
We understand what is at stake, and we want to put decision-making powers in your hands with a future with your child(ren) you deserve. Schedule a consultation with us today.